Create a New Quiz

By checking this box, you agree to the following terms:

  1. You have the right to use any text, images, video, or audio content you have provided in this quiz.
  2. You indemnify us against any legal claims arising from the use of the content you have submitted.

Best Practices

  • Be clear about what you are trying to evaluate. State the goal for the quiz.

  • Specify what kind of questions you would like to have (e.g., multiple choice, true/false, short answer).

  • Provide context about the target audience (e.g., age group, educational level).

  • When uploading images, choose clear, high-quality images that are directly related to the quiz topic.

  • Use the "Additional Instructions" field to provide any specific requirements or focus areas for the quiz.

  • If including a written assignment, consider the scope and complexity appropriate for the quiz level.